The Girl with No Hands


A girl standing in an apocalyptic scene.













Staged Reading by Odyssey Theatre. Written and Directed by Laurie Steven

Friday, August 16th 7:00pm-9:00pm

Saturday, August 17th 7:00pm-9:00pm

Odyssey Stage

The Girl with No Hands is a darkly comic but uplifting fantasy based on a German fairytale, The Handless Maiden. The play tells the story of a girl with no hands—a dreamer who can’t dream, feeling hopeless and alone. She is lured into a fantasy play within the play where she becomes a heroine tasked with saving a kingdom and finding her heart’s desire. Through her adventures in this fantasy world, she gains hope and a new dream for the future. (Caution: mature language and themes).  

There will be a 15 minute intermission during this performance. 


Laurie Steven smilingLaurie Steven

Laurie Steven is an award-winning director, writer, and founding artistic director of Odyssey Theatre. When crafting her productions, she builds imaginative world that take audiences on journeys that stir creativity and provide a new perspective to the human experience. Laurie’s medium is mask and the Italian artform of Commedia dell’Arte, which she has enriched with bouffon, puppetry and international forms of dance-theatre.

She has delivered in-depth workshops on a wide range of subjects, including mask-based acting; Commedia; writing, directing and dramaturgy for physical theatre forms; and artistic directing for independent theatres. As the leader of Odyssey’s new play creation program, Laurie has directed more than 30 play development workshops and brought 29 new plays and original translation-adaptations to full production.