Volunteer Opportunities


To volunteer for any of the positions below, please send us an email.


Currently Seeking

Board of Directors – Director, Marketing

Board of Directors – Director, Special Events

Volunteer Recruiter

Volunteer Sponsor Hunter

Volunteer Ticket Seller


Year-Round Positions

We are looking for:

  • assistance with special events
  • assistance with fundraising
  • digital marketing and social media experts for special projects
  • volunteer manager
  • professional writer-editor 


Summer Positions

Front of House

Join our team in the great outdoors of Strathcona Park to:

  • serve the public at the box office and concession stands
  • show people to their seats
  • hand out programs
  • sell raffle tickets and more


Help our technical team with the behind the scenes work of:

  • stage and set painting
  • carpentry
  • theatre set-up and take-down in the park



If you have a passion for the theatre and expertise to offer, we would be happy to hear from you. We are looking for arts lovers to serve in any of the following areas:

  • marketing
  • corporate fundraising
  • finance
  • media relations
  • digital communication

Board members attend 10 Board meetings a year and take on a role or a project or lead a committee. Terms are for a two-year period with the possibility of renewal. To learn more, please email John Forster, General Manager.